CDXC: The UK DX Foundation




CDXC DX Marathon Challenge

The CDXC DX Marathon Challenge is an annual competition open to all CDXC members.  Its purposes are to promote DXing during the year, to recognize achievement in DXing over the year, and to promote the uploading of logs to Club Log (which leads to better statistical information for us all).


00:01 GMT 1st January to 23:59 GMT 31st December, each year


160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 6m


Any within your licence.


Any within your licence


The CDXC DX Marathon Challenge is is open to CDXC members world-wide but Awards (Trophies, Salvers and Certificates) are only available to those who are fully paid up members of CDXC for the full duration of the Challenge.

The Challenge is an individual operator competition.  Where an operator has multiple call signs, contacts with all call signs may be combined, but only if all of the call signs are used for single operator operation.  Call signs used or linked with multi-operator contest entries or multi-operator Special Event Call signs are not eligible for awards.

Robot generated QSOs are not considered to be within the spirit of the CDXC Challenges and should not be used on any mode. Perpetrators will be investigated and face disqualification.

Self-spotting on any cluster is not considered to be within the spirit of the CDXC Challenges and should not be used on any mode. Perpetrators will be investigated and face disqualification.


Each DXCC entity scores 1 point and is counted once only regardless of how many bands or modes on which that entity is worked.  In the event of a tie score based on DXCCs, Band-Slots will be used to determine the final score.

Log entry:

Via upload to Club Log and electing to enter the CDXC DX Marathon Challenge on the Club Log website. Regular uploading of your log during the year is encouraged – at least once per month is preferred - as this helps to drive the Challenge and provides a spectator sport for all to see.

To be eligible for awards, Club Log uploads must occur at least three times during the year, including at least once in the 3rd calendar quarter, once in the October-November period, and at least once between December 1st and December 15th. More frequent uploads are encouraged.

E-mailed or paper logs will NOT be accepted.

To assist with adjudication, all entrants are encouraged to upload their log to LoTW and to do so within a week of the end of the Challenge.

Trophies and Salvers will only be awarded to those who have uploaded their log to LoTW within three weeks of the end of the Challenge.

Log Verification:

No QSLs are required, but in the event of a dispute the CDXC committee may request verification via other means.  By entering, participants agree that their Club Log entries may be viewed and queried by adjudicators.  By entering, participants agree that the decisions of adjudicators will be final.

Closing date:

The final upload to Club Log must be no later than 23:59 UTC, 5th January of the following year.  Any uploads after this date will not be taken into consideration.


Awards will be made to the winner in each of three modes: (i) CW, (ii) Phone and (iii) Machine Generated Modes (MGMs). 'MGM' uses the IARU Region 1 MGM definition. RTTY and wsjt-x modes are MGMs. Digital voice counts as phone.


NB: Trophies and Salvers will only be awarded to those members who have uploaded their log to Club Log as stated above and to LoTW within three weeks of the end of the Challenge.

The GM4FAM Trophy (travelling cup), sponsored by Michael G7VJR, will be awarded to the CDXC member with the highest number of CW DXCCs worked.

The G3NUG Trophy (travelling cup), sponsored by Neville G3NUG, will be awarded to the CDXC member with the highest number of Phone DXCCs worked.

President’s Trophy (travelling cup), sponsored by Don, G3XTT, will be awarded to the CDXC member with the highest number of MGM DXCCs worked.


The three Trophy winners will each receive an engraved salver to keep.


Certificates of merit will be awarded to the CDXC members placed runner up and third in CW, Phone and MGM modes.

Certificates will also be awarded to the top overall CDXC Foundation licensee, the top overall CDXC Intermediate licensee, the top CDXC “rookie” (less than three years’ Full licensee), and the top non-CDXC overall, CW, Phone and MGM scorers.

Certificates will be e-mailed to winners prior to the following AGM date.    


Each Trophy may be won by an operator following three clear years after last winning it.

Trophies and salvers will be presented at CDXC events throughout the year. Travelling Trophies and Cups will only be posted to members who agree to meet the full postage costs and who agree to return them at the time stipulated when awarded (usually nine months after award). Travelling Trophies and Cups will not be sent overseas (i.e. outside of UK).

CDXC especially acknowledges the contributions of Michael, G7VJR in conceiving Club Log and providing it for use as a tool for this Challenge.

© CDXC - The UK DX Foundation. The aim of the club is to promote HF operating in Amateur Radio and to encourage excellence, particularly in DXing and contest operating.

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